Top 5 Benefits of Starting a Digital Marketing Career in 2021 (bd mercado blog)

Top 5 Benefits of Starting a Digital Marketing Career in 2021

Coming from a by-the-book university, I had struggled to find the right career path. 

At that time, I had no idea what kind of work I wanted that was in-line with my marketing degree. 

Eventually, I decided to kick-off my career in digital marketing. 

This decision broadened my career choices and allowed me to diversify my specializations within the field. 

With that said, here are five reasons why I believe that the digital marketing career path is future-proof.

1. You can have more career choices

During a discussion in college, a professor said that it’s okay to discover what job best suits you in your 20s. 

If you’re like me–still experimenting and trying out what job works–digital marketing can offer you a variety of roles based on your skillset. 

Here are some job roles you can fill when starting out in your digital career:

  • Business Developer
  • Content Specialist
  • Data Analyst
  • Digital Project Manager
  • E-Commerce Specialist
  • Email Marketing and Automation Specialist
  • Search Engine Marketing Specialist
  • Social Media Manager
  • User Experience Designer
  • Web Developer

Many online resources can help you learn the basics of whichever digital marketing path you choose. But of course, knowing the fundamentals of marketing can already be beneficial when you start taking on any of these roles.

2. You can meet higher job demand

As most companies transition to digital platforms, the demand for digital marketing jobs are skyrocketing.

Meanwhile, some offline workforce were forced to leave their jobs because of external factors–like the COVID-19 pandemic–affecting businesses. 

For these companies that are shifting more to digital, they still value skills gained from traditional marketing experience–you just need to make the shift as well and digitalize your expertise.

Here’s another push to go digital. Since the job demand is higher for digital marketing, companies are also willing to pay higher to fill digital roles.

3. You can increase your online visibility

Another great thing about shifting to digital marketing? You can start soon if you have the fundamentals covered. 

Putting your knowledge into practice can be a great start–whether in your small business or your friend’s online shop. 

Doing these side gigs allows you to build up a portfolio you can share to your potential clients. 

Once you’re confident about your knowledge and experience, you can share insights through your social media accounts or blogs to build your online presence. 

Building your brand online will help you stand out to potential clients and employers as well as expand your professional network.

4. You can work with different people every day

Digital marketing is an agile and ever-changing industry. You’re likely to meet and work with individuals with various expertise from different backgrounds. 

Whether it’s a resource person from a new platform, a new client shifting to e-commerce, or other digital marketing professionals, these people can help you learn more and build connections in this field.

5. You can be creative and have the freedom to experiment

In digital marketing, every day is an opportunity to discover new ways of solving problems, promoting products online, conducting A/B tests, engaging younger audiences, and improving the customer experience. 

It also gives you a fresh perspective on failure. 

For example, underwhelming engagement on blogs or email content may give you an impression that this entire marketing activity needs to be scrapped. 

However, you can see this instead as a signal that something needs to be changed.

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Why Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is an exciting career path where you can learn best practices across various industries. 

As companies are basically forced to adapt to this industry, demand for specialists in this field continues to grow. 

The only caveat is that digital marketing evolves rapidly. It favors individuals who are flexible and adaptable–those who can keep up with every change that Google and other digital marketing platforms roll out consistently. 

So, if you’re someone who wants to seek new ways to engage online audiences without being deterred by constant platform updates, this career path is meant for you.

One of the digital marketing branches you can specialize in is email marketing. If you already have knowledge in marketing principles, writing, coding, or even designing, this may be the right track for you. Start learning email marketing in this e-book!

Email Marketing Best Practices in 2021 E-book CTA

Brian Daniel Mercado

I’ve been a digital marketer for over three years now. One thing I’ve realized is this: Small-to-medium enterprises (SME) bring the best value to consumers. My goal is to help these businesses boost their online presence and grow their sales in the most cost-efficient approach.

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